[google5a67ca814a7fbf41.html] The Ghost of Europe Past: September 2016

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Are white westerners finally done with guilt?

When Hillary Clinton made her now-famous speech about the alt-right, accusatory slurs just came flying one after the other: racist, sexist, xenophobe, islamophobe, and everything but the kitchen sink was thrown into the mix. 

Apparently Hillary thought alt-right was too narrow a target, so then she attacked Trump supporters in general by throwing the same slurs and calling them the deplorable basket. Later on she tried to whitewash her sayings by pretending as if she only meant some portion of Trump's supporters, not the whole bunch, but nobody was conviced.

This isn't an American thing or something to do with only the presidential election. This is a global phenomenon: the elite using slurs to guilt the public into submission. In my home country of Finland it's pretty much an everyday thing: the so-called intellectuals call us hicks, white trash, racists, scum and autistic, because we see certain issues with importing an endless amount of believers from primitive cultures into our open, western society.

And the white trash scum even has the audacity to complain when their daughters are raped, their grannies robbed and they're paying for the whole show while facing austerity measures themselves! Why don't they just play nice and pick up the bill quietly? That is basically the mentality with these rich guilt-trippers who will never have to face the consequences of multiculturalism themselves.

White westerners have been guilt-ridden for decades, and now they're getting fed up with being the only ones who still have to repent for sins committed centuries ago by people with the same skin tone. Whites have been at the bottom of the barrel. Our race is the only one you can openly want to wipe from the earth without any consequence, and we are the only people who don't have the right to maintain our culture, way of life and racial identity. More and more people are realizing, that there's no future for us if we can't get over our past.

 That is why Trump is succeeding, and that is why far-right parties are rising in Europe. That is also why the guilt-trippers are so blood-thirsty now: they can see their strategy failing, and now they're playing hardball in some desperate attempt to get people to be ashamed and submit. You can just hear the frustration in their voices: "Didn't you hear me? I called you bad names and this is the point at which you should get ashamed, start explaining why you're not the slur I called you and stop disagreeing with me!"

This is absolutely delicious. These are the methods only the supporters of completely failed ideology would need to resort to. They are getting angrier and angrier, we're getting prouder and prouder.

I come from a very specific gene pool. Finns aren't really Europeans, but they aren't an Asian race either. They are a unique people with a unique history with their ties to it in both blood and culture, and you can't just cross the border and turn into a Finn. I want to see Finns succeed and live thei life in peace. I want them to have their own country, because no other place will ever be their true home. I want them to be able to defend their unique culture and ethnicity without guilt. The same goes for all nations: everyone has the right to protect their tribe and culture from destruction, and decide, who and what they are allowing to influence them.

You can slap any slur on that you like. I really don't give a shit.

Friday, September 9, 2016

Nazis are the legitimate children of multiculturalism

The fascist Golden Dawn -party is gaining ground fast in Greece. It's nice that they protest
uncontrollable immigration, but does this remind you of something?
Now it's been achieved what was long thought impossible: the far right is making a continent-wide rise in Europe. Everyone believed it wouldn't happen again, given the inconvenient history we Europeans have with those ideologies. I'm happy to see immigration-critical presidential candidates and parties succeed, but some aspects of this phenomenon are simply scary. Yes, we need to fight against the migrant invasion, but at what price? Is it truly better to live in a fascist state than it is in an islamic state? No kind of totalitarianism sounds tempting to me.

How did all this happen? The answer is simple: the multiculturalists did it. They chose to ignore human nature and now we are seeing the consequences. If you tell a multiculturalist that clashes, suspicion, racism and even war or genocide will arise if you place too different groups within the same area, their answer is that it shouldn't be so. People should be tolerant, we shouldn't be prejudiced or suspicious, everyone on the planet should just play nice and there'd be no problems.

But there's a long way between what should be and what is. This is how ideologies fail, and we shouldn't be surprised because this is how it always goes down: a doomed, impractical ideology arises somewhere, people fall for the promises of all the lovely things that will be achieved once the ideology reaches its climax, but reality will inevitably catch up to the ideologues. 

How long the ideology manages to survive and whether it'll surrender freely will define the damage done. Nazi-Germany chose the hard way: they held on until the very end, and the damage was terrible. The Soviet Union chose a midway solution: they softened their fall with policies that helped them to move on from the ideology. China chose the softest way: they gave up on the ideology in their economics in good time, so the damage they suffered was limited.

It's an inescapable fact, that multiculturalism is one of those failed ideologies, and now we need to soften our fall the best we can. If the influx of migrants continues, we'll turn into monsters. That's how it always goes when a foreign tribe invades another tribe's territory. People will try to play nice for as long as they can, but once it's their daughters harassed and raped, their relatives or friends dying in terrorist attacks or their own neighborhood turning terrible because of noisy, violent, disrespectful and messy foreigners, their instincts will tell them to fight back.

How far are we willing to let this go? Do we really have to take in monsters and make those of ourselves too to see, that we're going the wrong way?

Human nature can't be changed with trendy ideologies in a few years.

Groups with deeply different core values will clash if placed within close proximity of each other.

Islam has remained the same for 1400 years and no change looms in the horizon.

You wouldn't be able to assume islamic values. How could they assume ours through integration?

Taxpayers pay for immigration. No amount of "Europe is wealthy, we can afford it" will change that.

There are over a billion people living in extreme poverty and war zones. We can't take everyone in. 

And it's those realities we need to base our politics on, not lovely ideas of shoulda-woulda-coulda.